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State of the Nation: We Can DO BEtter

The latest Election 2024 poll post GOP Convention, the challenges for the parties, violence in politics and our special section on rank choice voting.  
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We are not a party. We are real people.

And we are fed up with partisan politics, extremist factions, and déjà vu elections.

That’s why we support common sense solutions and politicians who will work together, across the aisle. If you agree with us, you’re not alone. 40% of Americans today identify as independent and want common sense solutions. But their voices are not being heard. At the Independent Center, we research, advocate and actively engage to ensure your voice is being heard in Washington DC. Join our movement so we demonstrate to our leaders that Americans demand centrist solutions.

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Common Ground: Where We Stand


We believe opportunity for all is best achieved with a simple, fair tax and regulatory system.


We all know Social Security needs reform. But unlike parties and politicians, we're actually trying to make a change.


Our children are the future. They deserve better than our current educational system.


Our objective is to make the government live up to its purpose of being FOR the people.

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Change only happens with you.

We’re not a party or a campaign, but a movement with a mission to restore common sense, tolerance, and choice in America. We listen to real Americans and promote solutions that work for them. Make your voice heard: join the movement.