About us

Our Mission

Americans are independent. Independent voters are now the third force in American politics.

To win, Republicans and Democrats now rely on independent voters to swing their way. Neither party has enough base support, putting independent voters in a powerful position.

It's time we organize and make an impact.

The Independent Center’s mission is to be the go-to champion for the millions of Americans who believe we share common ground.

Through our research, events, and outreach we will highlight, promote, and ensure our politicians are held accountable for their promises to independent voters and all Americans.

The Statue of Liberty in the brand colors of the Independent Center

Our Values


We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to choose the best options for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Social Tolerance

We are tolerant of differences, and we understand that we need to treat others with empathy, trust and fairness—just as we want to be treated.

Fiscal Focus

We want common-sense solutions that preserve and respect our freedoms and allow us to choose the best solutions to the problems our nation faces. We believe in equal opportunity and merit.

Our Values

Americans in every part of our country are demanding their voice be heard.

The Independent Center has been listening, and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Independent voters are socially tolerant and want fiscally moderate policies, not partisan extremism. Independents want common-sense solutions.

We believe transparency and accountability matter more now than ever. That fairness and equal opportunity delivers prosperity, and that having choices gives us the freedom to achieve the best outcomes for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

We don’t all have to agree on everything, but where we differ we respect and tolerate our differences. We make compromises to make progress.

Together Independent voters have an historic opportunity to make a difference, to be heard, and to impact who gets elected and the policies they promote on our behalf.

Our Common-Sense Solutions


As the world’s largest economy and most vibrant democracy, America’s leadership has benefited its citizens throughout history. To secure our ambitions and dreams, we must strengthen our military and ensure its continued global advantage. Our economy and citizens' well-being are increasingly interdependent on strong international alliances and partnerships. The American Dream resonates worldwide, and we must actively work to uphold its ideals—empowering individuals and setting an example through the strength of our institutions and government.

Get Involved
Relevant issues:
Trump Administration
Independent Representatives
Military + Defense
U.S. Senate
Foreign Policy
American Dream

Growth and Abundance

Growth and abundance are essential to improving quality of life and raising our standard of living. By fostering innovation and expanding opportunities, we enable Americans to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. To stay competitive, we must embrace modernization, encourage competition, and support individual ambition. A thriving economy—driven by productivity, job creation, and entrepreneurship—provides the resources necessary for a prosperous and self-sustaining nation.

Get Involved
Relevant issues:
Farm + Food
Student Loans
American Dream
Social Security
Debt + Deficit

Civic Responsibility

Civic responsibility is the foundation of strong, resilient communities and a thriving nation. Each of us has a role to play in shaping our society. Safe, vibrant communities, volunteerism, and philanthropy should be supported—not replaced—by distant and impersonal government bureaucracy. Our greatest strengths lie in our commitment to social tolerance, religious freedom, and cultural diversity.

Get Involved
Relevant issues:
Community Safety
Crime + Justice
Independent Voters
American Dream
Energy + Environment

Human Dignity

Human dignity is rooted in the fundamental need for health, education, and safety at the individual, family, and community levels. Achieving this requires aligning economic growth, civic responsibility, and an effective government. Our future depends on a strong, healthy population and a sustainable environment that fosters opportunity and long-term prosperity.

Get Involved
Relevant issues:
Community Safety
Crime + Justice
Farm + Food
Political Violence
Student Loans
American Dream

Effective Government

An effective government is one that is smaller, focused, and fit-for-purpose. We must move away from an overburdened and overreaching bureaucracy that stifles progress. Addressing our mounting debt and deficit requires bold, strategic reforms to reimagine the role of government programs. A modernized, efficient government can enhance economic vitality and civic engagement while restoring public trust in our institutions.

Get Involved
Relevant issues:
Trump Administration
Independent Representatives
Partisan Politics
Military + Defense
U.S. Senate
Foreign Policy
Independent Voters

Our Goals

Independent voters want sensible reform on key issues like immigration, debt & deficit, education, government services & entitlements.

But to make progress we need politicians & the media to listen to Independent voters.   

Join our movement so we can harness the strength of independent Americans and drive progress in Washington DC. Independent voters are the third force of Americna politics. Now its time we exercise our power to have an impact and hold our politicians accountable.  

Join us and make your voice heard together with millions of Americans who want to make a difference.

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Our Team: United in a mission to give independent Americans a voice

Lura Forcum

President of the Independent Center

Vance Reavie

Tech and Strategy

Brett Loyd


Jason Pye

Advisor | Policy

Justin Longo

Director of Communications

Parissa Sedghi


Daniel Schnur


Holden Lipscomb

Policy Advisor

Kristina Crane

Team | Operations Manager

Ethan Nelson


Melanie Aycock


Eric Harrison

Policy Advisor